When Plans Go Awry

This has been a week. I am just saying. I swear that everything I have tried to do has taken 10 times longer than planned to do. For example, the picture you see is from a couple of Christmases ago. Not what I planned to talk about or even the picture I was going to use.

This week, I planned on getting my art store up and running. It should be easy (insert maniacal laughter here). I would transfer pictures from my phone to the computer and put them in the builder provided by WordPress and bam! I have a store.

Nope that isn’t what happened. I downloaded the pictures from my phone and greatly underestimated the time it takes to sort and organize over 2000 pictures, memes, screenshots and whatever else is in my phone. Not to mention that my phone now uses HEIC format pictures and not JPEGs so I need to firgure out how to convert them into something that I can use. I promise this was not the task I had planned.

So, my mostly unfinished site will probably be this way until I can finish going through all those pictures to find the ones I can use and at least get something started. Then to figure out how to convert HEIC to something most standard and useful, at least that is until HEIC is the standard. Some sites swear it is coming, but I am not so sure. We people are slower to change than the technology.

Oh, and if that picture above doesn’t show up. It’s of the massive amounts of fudge I make most years. I couldn’t find the marshmallow fluff stuff that I like to use, so no fudge last year. But I have been making at least 50 lbs. of fudge for several years to give to family and friends in the most amazing flavors. Hopefully, you’ll stick around to see the amazing process that is…if I can find the ingredients that is.

Y’all have a great and productive week. And if things don’t go your way, just keep working what you need to. It’ll get there, I promise.

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